1-1 Sleep Support

There is an overwhelming amount of sleep advice out there and yet most of the parents I speak to have really struggled to change their child’s sleep. I’m honestly not surprised. 


Search for any sleep question and you’ll get dozens of different, often contradictory answers. But here’s the thing. Your baby - and their sleep journey - are unique. And that’s where I come in.

I help you identify:

Why your baby is having difficulties sleeping

What you need to change

How to do it in a way that suits your baby's temperament and supports your parenting style

If you want to tell me about your sleep situation, find out more about my approach or ask me any questions all you need to do is book a free consultation


Sleep Support Call


  • Age appropriate routines, Early morning wake ups, short naps, updating your settling techniques, dropping night feeds

    This is great for parents who want help identifying the cause of their child’s sleep problem and need an individualised step by step plan to better seep

    This option doesn’t include follow up support so you’ll want to feel confident to make relevant changes without me.

    I don’t recommend this for babies who are struggling with very frequent night wake ups or for those trying to work on independent sleep as the beauty of the follow up support is that it allows me to see how your baby responds and tailor the plan each day accordingly

  • Detailed questionnaire ahead of consultation

    1.5 hour consultation video call

    Follow up email with sleep plan, routine & recommendations

    No follow up support

Consultation + 3 Days Follow Up Support

Consultation + 3 Days Follow Up Support


  • Frequent night wakes, short naps, no naps, age appropriate routines, moving from any sleep association to independent sleep, bedtime battles, restoring your confidence with all things sleep!

    This is a great option for parents who want a individualised plan for great sleep + ongoing help while they put the plan into action.

    This is my most popular option because I can see how your baby responds to the changes and adapt your plan accordingly.

    Most of my clients see a big shift by day 3 and you’ll feel calmer and more confident knowing I’m on hand to guide you as you go along.

  • Detailed questionnaire to fill in ahead of consultation

    1.5 hour consultation video call

    Follow up email with sleep plan, routine and notes from the call

    3 days support from 8am-7pm via WhatsApp & phone while you make changes (this is as much contact as you need to feel confident while you work on your baby’s sleep)

    ** On the first night I will be on whatsapp to guide you until your baby falls asleep at bedtime - that way we both feel confident in the plan ahead of night one


Consultation + 2 Weeks Unlimited Support


  • Frequent night wakes, short naps, no naps, age appropriate routines, moving from any sleep association to independent sleep, bedtime battles, restoring your confidence with all things sleep!

    This is perfect for parents who are struggling with their baby’s sleep and want ongoing support while they make the necessary changes.

    My clients typically see big changes in the first 3 days but it often takes 2 weeks for things to settle down and become predictable.

    The daily support allows me to see how your baby responds to the changes and adapt your plan accordingly.

    You’ll feel much more confident making changes because I’m always on hand to reassure, guide and encourage you.

  • Detailed questionnaire to fill in ahead of consultation

    1.5 hour consultation video call

    Follow up email with sleep plan, routine and notes from the call

    14 days support from 8am-7pm via WhatsApp & phone while you make changes (this is as much contact as you need to feel confident while you work on your baby’s sleep)


30mins Troubleshooting Call


  • Parents who I’ve worked with before and want to troubleshoot a sleep issue

  • Detailed questionnaire

    30mins Call

    No follow up


What Parents Are Saying

  • She was incredibly knowledgeable, professional and principled and I loved that about her - she genuinely wanted the best for our baby and her sleep which meant a great deal to us

    Clare Reynolds

  • The support received and results have been worth every penny and I wish I’d found Rachael sooner

    Katie Cotter

  • She was with us every night on WhatsApp and every morning to check in on progress, issues, wins, challenges - no question was deemed stupid and we felt incredibly supported throughout

    Lakshmi Narayan

  • For any parents wondering whether to go for it, your future (less sleep deprived self) will thank you

    Clarice Burton

  • Through her thorough research into your current circumstance, the consultation and brilliant whatsapp coaching (and cheerleading!) you feel like you have someone that has your back through every step of the way

    Kim Hartwell

  • Rachael helped give me back the confidence to help sleep train my baby in a very gentle method and she was sleeping through the night again within a couple of days

    Sueli Williams


Wondering how my sleep support works?

Let me walk you through a consultation with Little Baby Sleep Co.


My Approach




My clients can reach out whenever they need and because of this change typically happens quickly where it hasn’t before. At the end of our time together everyone is sleeping better and parents feel confident to move forward on their own.




My job is to identify why your baby is having difficulties sleeping. Because sleep is influenced by many interconnected things I use a holistic framework to ask lots of questions so I can get to the bottom of what’s really going on. I want to know about your baby’s personality, your parenting philosophy & life so that your plan is specific to you.




I’ve been in your shoes. I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed, vulnerable and scared about putting your trust in someone, especially when you’re sleep deprived. I like to think of myself as a friend as well as a coach and that’s how I approach my work - we are in this together and I will be here for you, every step of the way.




As an internationally qualified infant & child sleep consultant everything I advise is evidence based and grounded in sleep science. I believe in taking the time to explain the rationale behind your change plan so that you feel confident to start, and well-equipped for the future.